FIRB Information Request

Thank you for appointing Day Legal to act for you on your Property Purchase.


Could you please complete the following FIRB Information Request Form and then click the Submit button below.


Your Full Legal Name 姓名

Your Current Address 聯絡地址

Nationality 國籍

Your Date of Birth 出生年月日

Address of the Property you are Purchasing 物業地址

Is there a signed contract for the Purchase of the Property? 是否已經簽約

Expected Purchase Price 購買價格

Are there any other Purchasers on this application? If so, please provide their names. 是否還有其它買家同時購買此物業。如有,請提供他們的姓名

Please provide a photocopy of your Passport. You can upload it here, or send an email to 請上傳你的護照首頁或發送到此郵箱:

For security purposes, please type the characters you see below and press Submit.
